300-400 g sheep brined feta cheese (feta)
2 tomatoes
1 large pepper or a few hot peppers or marinated small green peppers
2 handfuls of grated hard feta cheese - cheese or other
parsley and oregano
attrited dry chili

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The feta cheese is crushed and distributed in 4 clay bowls or other fireproof containers. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, sliced peppers and distributed over the feta cheese. Sprinkle with oregano. Top is dusted grated hard feta cheese, pokapva with olive oil and sprinkle with spicy chili (optional). Bowls baked in an oven or microwave until cheese on top is leak without catches crust. Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley and serve immediately. * For 4 small servings. * The amounts and proportions are exemplary, and the portions are provided as a little appetizer. For a main dish, especially for those who like feta, there is no limit in Weight:) * I always put marinated peppers, because we love the sour flavor. But the peppers can be any, according to taste.
1 user
Very tasty light meal, we ate him for dinner. So I missed the chilli, put butter instead of olive oil / I now / and 2 types of cheddar-yellow and orange. I love dishes with cheese, so it remains to favorites :)
EMKA, I'm glad you liked the recipe. I made it very often is simple and saves the day even when unexpected guests or rushing greedy :)