Chicken * Dzhark * (Jerk Chicken)

Submitted by enr on 08 Nov 2013
1.5 kg chicken legs, wings or whole chicken
1 onion, chopped
50 g ginger root, peeled and chopped
1-3 chili peppers
5 cloves garlic
2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 bell peppers, sliced ​​
1 lime or lemon half, cut sheet
1 tsp thyme, cinnamon and allspice
1/2 tsp nutmeg and ground cloves
Chicken * Dzhark * (Jerk Chicken)
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Onions, peppers cut. Lime / lemon cut in the sheet. All of the above ingredients, except chicken is pureed. If necessary, add a little water to form a liquid medium paste. Chicken cut into portions optional and rub / Bay with pasta. Allow to stand for 2 hours in a cool, then fry briefly. The pieces are placed in a tray in the oven and bake until ready. Remaining marinade can be cooked in sauce to be served separately to the meat. The dish is served with rice and vegetables. * The chicken can be roasted and grilled, actually it is the traditional way. * Dzhark chiken is a Jamaican dish.
1 user
08 Nov 2013


The chicken was very flavorful and tasty, thanks for the recipe :) We used the legs and fillet and grilled Peko (without pre-frying). The meat was fine - marinated, fresh and fragile, but we had a problem with the sauce - from dry spices (I guess) became bitter, I hoped that the boiling will be fine, but continue to bitter. We put him canned crushed tomatoes to dilute it helped a little, but still leave a bitter aftertaste. Posgastihme it a bit on the stove, then stirred with yogurt and get pretty decent sauce. Have remained bitter sauce (without yogurt) and intend to try pizza accept proposals and how else can use it :)