1 kg apples
1 kg peaches
1 kg of sugar

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Fruits are washed well and cut into small pieces - if you prefer you to peel them. Grind with a mill and added sugar. Add water so much you want to be a rare nectar. Pour into bottles, closed well, put in a saucepan with water and boil for about 40-50 minutes. * You and other fruits, I do these because these have in your garden.
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Once cooked what is done with nectar, should be sterilized bottles / jars? Warm you pour into bottles?
Pour into bottles and closes before you put to boil. May boil a little time, depending on who likes how the nectar.
It was not specified, see now correctly described.
It is well, I apologize for the mistake that I did not write that first poured into bottles and then boil, thanks for the note.
Excuse me as I do not see how I can send you a private message I want to ask you some things, how to put my profile picture and how do I publish an article recipes learned to publish, but I want to write an article.
mistakes happen, no problem, so we try to read more carefully the recipes :) Otherwise, for the questions - I wrote you a private message.