3 ready fruit rolls
2 Vanilla cream without boiling
20 g gelatin
200 ml pastry cream
sliced almonds
confectionery green paint
biscuits breakfast cocoa or similar biscuits flavored cocoa

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The walls and bottom of the round bowl covered with foil. Part of sliced rolls paste form. Gelatin was dissolved in 1 cup cold water until they were swollen. Then, a water bath is stirred until it dissolves. Prepare the cream on the instruction of the package and add the gelatine. Pour some of the cream on the rolls. Put rolls on top as a base. Cream on top again. Must be completed with rolls. Ultimately charged end of fthe oil and tied with thread to make a ball. Place in refrigerator to set overnight Mix and cream colors. Crushed biscuits. Cake turns into a tray and put it around the crushed biscuits. Cake smeared with some of the cream colored.Then the whole is sprayed into small florets. Any roses put on a Bodlichki of chopped almonds.
0 users
Make me stunned kuku69! Bravo!
Very beautiful! Incredibly beautiful thing!
Ive straight left without words.
Perfect! Bravo! I will try and I make her ... love cacti ..
look pictures.
Incredible beauty! Bravo. Just putting bodlichkite worth applause ... darling, how long did it take?
with chopped almonds and then Bodlichki Bodlichki ... in about 20 minutes. Long time, but first I think it's good.
has received great ... worth the patience ... *Bodlichki in Bodlichki* ...Bravo!
Thank you!
pretty game, but worth it! Congratulations, Ivka!
Thank you. Only bodlichkite little tricky otherwise easy
Very original, until you feel sorry to razrezhesh!
It is unbelievable that this beauty eat. When I saw the photo did not believe that this is the cake, I thought that was a real cactus. I hope that is so delicious as beautiful. BRAVOOOO ASSESSMENT 10.:-)
Thank you for the evaluation, sve. bz. I assure you that it is above all delicious.
I came across this miracle :) Ivka, really master a gun. For as roses have very very patience and skill :) BRAVO! And I will feel sorry to cut this original cake :)
The cake is really very very original! As a true cactus! Bravo for skill and diligence!
Very beautiful, well done :)
Uauu, decoration is great. I'd made with homemade rolls :)