500 g minced meat
1 onion
1 cup Rice
5-6 large cabbage leaves sauerkraut
pepper, savory, cumin, paprika
1 cup cabbage juice

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Saute onions, rice and finally the minced meat. Put spices. Pour 2 cups water and simmer simmer until almost. Grease a cake form with fat and arrange on bottom and sides of cabbage leaves. Pour almost finished stuffing and wrap with cabbage leaves everywhere. Pour 1 cup cabbage juice and 1 cup water and bake for about 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees.
4 users
Great idea! Logged favorite and the first occasion will do.
These are sauerkraut, right?
Nice idea for Sarma ...
Here are my Sarma :)
It looks very good!
Dame which did not wound :)
lazy sarma made a few weeks ago with the last leaves sauerkraut. Became successful! I think next time to cut some sauerkraut and filling. Stella, thanks for the original recipe!
Very easy and very very tasty! Thanks for the nice recipe! :)
Let's show and I stuffed :) officially opened the season at tezhichkite dishes. It was great! Original and interesting presentation of a well-known recipe :) All the home were fascinated. May no longer expend sarmi :) Stella, Thanks for the idea!
And I look forward to becoming zelenetseto, and to begin stuffed cabbage, pork and other delicacies.