Mushrooms stuffed with bacon and PACE

Submitted by enr on 08 Jan 2009
1 cup (Incomplete) butter
750 g chicken livers, trimmed and coarsely chopped
180 ml dessert wine
24 large mushrooms without stalks
250 g chopped bacon or ham
The oven is heated to 180 C. In a large pan melting the butter, add livers and fry for about 2 minutes, stirring. Add spices and wine. Livers sauté until they are almost done. The mixture was passaged to give a paste. Mushrooms are arranged in a baking dish or on paper and filled with pate. Garnish with bacon. Bake about 15 minutes until bacon is browned.
0 users
08 Jan 2009


Another version of stuffed mushrooms - I did not write a separate recipe - filling is prepared from Brussels pate / pork, coarsely ground / cheese' Cheddar ', pepper, crushed fresh garlic. Mushrooms are filled, the blind men two by two, melt in the beaten egg, breadcrumbs, egg, flour and place in a deep fryer for about 2-3 minutes. Remove and leave to drain on baking paper, then bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. This appetizer tried it in a hotel *South Lodge* and asked the chef how he made - he was very kind enough to share his recipe. Try - you will not regret :)