2 oranges
3 yolks
3/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp gelatin
3 cups yogurt

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Grate the rind of oranges is, and the juice is squeezed. Yolks beat with sugar mixed with orange juice and orange peel and all this boil water bath 10-5 minutes. Gelatin was dissolved in 1/3 cup water, then melt in a water bath and allowed to cool slightly. Yogurt mixed with gelatin and egg mixture. Spills in mono or small bowls and put in the fridge. Before presenting tray is immersed for a few seconds in hot water and turns into a suitable dish. Decorate optional or sprinkle with grated chocolate.
1 user
Mngo predlazhenie nice summer dessert.
Instead of natural yoghurt can use fruit as long as the combination is appropriate.
This certainly happens with other fruit-lemon greyfurt ...
It is of course. Matter of taste :) I think with raspberries do it :)
A very well. Just maybe you need to specify the amount of pressed juice, however, because the density of the cream depends on it and the amount of gelatin, respectively.