5-6 finished pancakes
4-5 apples
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp sugar
# kiss:
2 egg white
1 cup sugar
1 vanilla

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Cut the apples into cubes and put them in a pan (no need for butter) for about 10 minutes. Then sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, and again on the stove for 10 minutes. We remove from heat to cool, then smeared on the pancakes and roll. Cut into pieces. In bowl, stir egg whites until thick foam, pour the sugar and vanilla. Stir until thickened. Pour into a spray and decorate pancakes on top. Bake on baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 100C for about 20 minutes (to golden brown).
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I like this proposal with kisses. Will become quite original.
to me too liked, but I'll do another-will Injected least tseluvchenata mixture on top will add shredded pancake and then top will still spraying the mixture. So not izahne pancake piece of warm oven. Rather will be stuffed with pancake kiss .. :) :). We will see as a try :) :)
And I like the idea!
:) I am glad that you harevsa I adore her :) I will see if I can get pretty much what they look like