1 cup quinoa
450 g of chicken or turkey meat (optional)
1 avocado
1 mango
1 fleshy red pepper or 1 large tomato
salt (cayenne) pepper, cumin
fresh coriander
1-2 tbsp olive oil
juice of 1 / 2 lemon or lime 1

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Quinoa pour 2 cups water and boil for about 15-20 minutes. If used, chicken (I use chicken breast) boiled or baked, grilled with spices optional. I use this recipe Ароматни cooked chicken breast or flavor the meat with salt, pepper and red pepper and roast on grill. Chicken, avocado, mango and pepper or tomato cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients and mix well. Season to taste, if needed. The dish can be served still warm or cool and can be served as a salad or appetizer. * I am preparing a dish in various recipes in which the main ingredients are quinoa, avocado and mango. Some with pepper, tomato others; some have meat, while others do not; some put beans; can put hot pepper or cayenne pepper, but not necessarily. This version of the recipe is mine. This is my favorite lunch during the week - healthy, stodgy and easy to carry and eat anywhere.
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Gerry, will make me give another chance quinoa, enter a favorite and will try :)