3 cups flour
7 g dry yeast
2 tbsp (20 ml) olive oil or sunflower oil
1 tsp (5 g) salt
1 tbsp (10 g) sugar

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All except flour mixed with 1 cup (200 ml) hot water (hot tap water, not boiling) and leave for 5 minutes covered. Flour is poured into a bowl and kneaded with the liquid mixture until a dough. The dough is covered with a cloth and leave in a warm place for about an hour. Then spread in a greased baking dish and sprinkle with stuffing optional.
62 users
I did everything :) And there was very nice. Now wait for my husband to come home and say he and mind.
Bravo for the recipe, but I would add that it is for all that dough and pogachka and cakes, cheese cake and you name it yet :)
instead of dry yeast can a normal cube? Is the same procedure with her?
Yes, it is and with fresh yeast. In case you could put some 30 years
Yesterday I made this dough vegetable pizza and it was very good.
sense of dry yeast is no need to leave to effervesce. I have no idea why is described thus. Dry yeast is mixed with flour and everything is processed immediately.
Incredibly delicious pizza is obtained from this dough. I kneaded the evening and left in the refrigerator, and the next day only topped and baked.
I just kneaded the dough was very fast!
I've had this pizza to treat guests from Italy. They were very impressed.
It was very well l. Bravo
For what size baking pan is sufficient that dose?
Bravo! Great pizza happened. My whole family was told that no more delicious eaten, even pizza. It is really easy and fast. Again, bravo!
Well, everything is mixed, kneaded and not *to soft,* I do not know to interfere! (I am ashamed! ;))In the near future will make it!
Thank you!
Bravo! Before least pulled it out of the oven - is great! Such recipes love - is simple, easy and delicious! I congratulate the author and strongly recommend future cooks pizza :)
A great recipe! Nai most successful of all, I've tried. Now do the same dough cakes.
I do not know but look at comments soul does not give me a try ... if you become will be great ... and Saito is very very cool ... I really like is all .. Thank you!
Fast, easy, delicious!
Just delicious recipe! Cheaper every home has the necessary products and lead ... to lick your fingers
today for the first time I found this site through google, I really like; recipe - very easy, very simple, with some products, and it's pretty cheap also; instead I used dry yeast 1/2 cube of the ordinary; for the first time makes one pizza is super
Awesome! Ideal recipe - and accurate! Bravo and thanks :)
very good
recipe is great!
The recipe is very good! Goes to Favorites :)
great get, having in mind that a test for the first time! All amazed :)
The dough was very nice and with live yeast.
I did it faithfully recipe. We are delighted with the result! Half did Pozza in pan 35 cm. diameter her raztochih nice. The rest, no to rise, came into the chamber today again made pizza. It was a first. GREAT RECIPE!
I did it with normal yeast and it was very nice! Bravo for the recipe! To favorites is!
confidence in the comments and made two doses Bravo!
You saved me from starvation! : D He ate my pizza for a long time and today I found this recipe by accident. Bake very quickly and is very tasty. Will definitely make again! :)
great recipe only 4f I dobavih 1 egg and 2 lyzhitsi yogurt
This is a great recipe. Pizza becomes super. I make it in already with this dough. No failure. Congratulations!
Super rose from my first attempt.
Majestic became the dough quickly and easily, and incredibly delicious pizza. Congratulations on proportions. And I sent the recipe to Favorites.
Incredibly fast and really tasty, as capricious my friend liked her in the morning and did mekichki .. mmm
It was a perfect pizza! Very good recipe!
Great! Many thanks for the recipe :)
Elti, if you follow the comments how live yeast put, I try and live yeast, '25?
put 25d to (or half cube. But be careful because there are a Turkish yeast and it is about 2 kg flour. If you get into it you have to put less than half cube (do not remember, however, how the weight of the whole cube).
Chudnichko dough and most like it that cold pizza made with it is also delicious and not hard!
Thank Elti!
Ideal obtained for the first time;).
dough is super! I did half of thin and crispy pizza (for two), while the other part sirenka breakfast. The best recipe for dough until now :)
I am very pleased with the recipe!
made of dough pizza was very tasty, straight no words to describe it from now on will only make pizza dough on many thanks for the recipe :)
Congratulations and I became great dough!
Hello everyone. Admiration dough is really successful. If someone wants to try let my way to make pizza. Once the dough is rising, cut from it a ball the size of a fist and Roll with thickness of about half a centimeter. Saci heat up and cook the dough on both sides, as one little bit. Namely on her side uttering products and roast in preheated oven on the top wire.
Today I tried to make the pizza. Get well. Ate her sweet :)
I forgot to write a comment for so long, while I put a picture :) This is the recipe that I use for pizza dough regularly since it appeared on the site and is really great - tasty and mekichko while it is warm, yet tasty and cold. Prepare quickly and easily. Sometimes I add a little whole wheat / corn flour or semolina, give a richer taste.
Hello, tonight I tried pizza dough and I'm impressed, really quick and easy. I'm not much of YOU with mixing, and therefore must ask you to rise for one hour where this sits on a warm, because my did not swell and become very soft and fluffy dough ?!