500 g white beans
3 onions
6 tbsp sunflower oil
1/2 sour cabbage

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Beans boiled with two heads chopped onion 3 tbsp sunflower oil. In another court Boil chopped cabbage. Once it becomes ready to transfer in the cooked beans. A head finely chopped onion fry in 3 tbsp sunflower oil and a little pepper. Eating pour in roux and stir. If need be, add salt. Allow to simmer for ten minutes. A delicious if it is added pork cracklings. They can be added in browning.
7 users
Even more delicious if it turns brown!
This is one of my favorite winter dishes.
It is very tasty dish, and our home is our favorite!
Very tasty dish. Must soon and I dress it.
really was very tasty worth.
Tasty dish. More-more delicious if you grow up with hEren pepper
It is very tasty. I zapekoh in a baking dish.
At the moment it cook hope to become tasty. In-law does not like this combination of beans and cabbage says. I hope tomorrow to try it. Basically it Mr. eharesva recipes from internet and books says Mr. estruvat for nothing, but I love to cook from them.
favorite dish. Except I did not concoct cabbage, but rather Fry.
Today I bought the first sauerkraut (this year) and so I made your favorite dish.
Next time I see him constipation. I think it will be interesting and with a jar of tomato sauce.
One of my favorite winter dishes. I make it with a little change-thrust first bean-throw water separately Fry cabbage, add the beans, spices, cabbage soup and water and coddle a few hours. Do not put onions.
This is an unforgettable recipe. Very tasty and easy. With cracklings is also an nice. With us has received something of a tradition: Boil beans, the next day cook cabbage, and the third bake together two dishes with sausage :)
Yes ... classic! And we are one of the favorite dishes. Once you do beans in the traditional way - with onion, pepper, carrot, celery and stay the next day 2 Fry onions with sauerkraut, paprika and dovaryavam. Boba as stand becomes more palatable. According to family tasters - best done with supplement smoked ribs.
I did a lot of additives in this dish, but it was very tasty. First lightly boiled pinto beans 500 g with 3-4 large carrots cut into washers, coarsely chopped 2 cloves onion, 2 peppers and 1 tomato and celery half a head without oil. Zaparzhih 1, 2 kg. pork shoulder bites, added water and left to suffocate. In baking pan for casseroles my accommodated amount put sodden bean sauce, chopped and drained sauerkraut about 2 kg., More chopped 3 carrots, 2 onions and 2 leeks and meat with water. Ovkusih with dry celery, a little savory, marjoram white, black and red pepper and 2. L garlic powder. I turned the pan with foil and Paiute 4:00140 S. gets her yummy and a half. Cabbage it parzhih to not soften much.
favorite dish! Use pinto beans, love him more:) I added a little red beet.