100 g marzipan
20 g of powdered sugar
black paint

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Marzipan is kneaded with powdered sugar. With a few drops of paint colors to the desired shade pink. Separate the balls of desired size. By pressing the palms form pear-shaped. From the narrow side is formed zulichkata as a knitting needle are made as nozdrichkite. With a small, curved nail scissors, clean naturally, cut ears, raised and cut spots behind them is smoothed. With the back of the knife is made mouth. Reference is also typical tucked tail. For her eyes turns a very small part of marzipan in black, maybe blue, green, and make small balls that cling. If you keep many of details, first put a small ball of moist powdered sugar on it and dark. So pig can watch in wonder or in any direction. Do not paint directly on the paint marzipan, because he takes it and smears. This property of marzipan however possible to make the cheeks or ears more red. Marzipan piglets are typical Christmas symbol in Germany. Piglets are called for luck and as decoration for cakes and wrapped in cellophane, an inevitable sight around New Year.
0 users
Very sweet piglets! Bravo! Your master!
are great! More words are superfluous.
Very sweet! Well done.
Aliana, are very nice ... to scrunch! Bravo!
Bravo Aliana have a great talent for modeling.