12 ready muffins
# For glaze:
110 g butter
2 cup powdered sugar (sifted)
pinch of salt
1 tbsp milk or cream
green paint
# To decorate:
striped sticks, balls, hearts, stars or other
small striped candy
cones for ice cream (for option 2 and 3)
sugar sticks (for version 3)

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The basis you need about 12 prepared muffin here all колекция Cookies muffins - here , you can choose a recipe that you like. It is appropriate not too sweet, if the recipe used glaze - replace it with that here. To prepare glaze the butter should be soft - let it cut into pieces for at least 2 hours room temperature. Sift powdered sugar - you need about 2 cups sifted sugar (not 2 cups powdered sugar, to sift then). The soft butter is stirred with a mixer for 3-5 minutes until fluffy. The mixer is reduced to low and spoon by spoon and add 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar. When all the powdered sugar is absorbed by the butter, the mixer switches to medium speed and stir the mixture for a few minutes. Add vanilla and a pinch of salt 1 tbsp milk or cream and again stirred for a few minutes. Add remaining quantity of powdered sugar (again stirred at a low level) and stirred for a few minutes. If you want a hard glaze can put a little powdered sugar to soft - do not add all. Finally put green paint - if you use gel, needs little, if liquid paint - add a few drops until you get the desired color. With liquid paint may need to add a little powdered sugar. Decoration - Option 1 (photos 1 and 2): Each muffin is coated with a thin layer of glaze. Top with spray is made tree - with a thin tip and spiraling inwards. With a large nozzle can be made as large roses. Tree decorate optional. Decoration - Option 2 (photos 3, 4 and 5): Before color glaze each muffin is coated with a thin layer of white glaze (as snow). Optional can be sprinkled with coconut. ice cream cone is cut with serrated knife to the desired size - can make smaller and larger Christmas trees. On each muffin is placed in a cone (upside down). With a spoon or syringe cones are coated with green glaze. Tree decorate optional. Optional cones can be filled with melted chocolate and leave to harden before put on muffins. Decoration - option 3 (Photos 3, 6 and 7): The base is prepared by option 2 - a thin layer of white glaze. sugar sticks are cut straight pieces with a length sufficient to be able to dig into the muffin top and to put a cone, leaving 1-2 cm * * stump. heel ends are coated with glaze (most convenient to them strike up a by inserting one or two fingers inside), decorate is then placed on punched in muffins cane. Optional cones can be filled with molten chocolate and be allowed to harden before put on muffins. * 1 cup = 250 ml * The ideas for these muffins I've taken from the Internet - I've seen various photos over the years in many different sites, the exact recipe and the different options are from me.
0 users
glaze -
Delicious meals in the saucer are beautiful
These stars from where can I buy them?
are very beautiful, great idea for the holidays, happy smiling and beautiful.
are really very beautiful! I will surely do them for Christmas :)
Super idea for Christmas and New Year! Didi such stars I have seen in Kaufland, has a *Dr. Oetker*
I am glad that you like girls :) I wanted to try them before coming holidays and are easy and fun to do, even though it takes time. Ina has already replied to the stars (for which thanks), they are particularly suitable for the top of the Christmas Tree, but not mandatory - striped sticks, coconut, small candy, whatever is handy person can be used for decoration. Nice Posh will also help, but it is not mandatory.
Under the third option fir trees I saw in one place small gifts of marzipan - striped with red ribbons, very beautiful, but my fingers are unable to create it :)
Thank you very much, tomorrow will prepare: - *: - *: - *