1 can tuna
5-6 large tomatoes (and tomato sauce can)
2 cloves garlic
1 carrot
pinch of pepper
3-4 tbsp olive oil
pinch of sugar

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In salted boiling water placed tomatoes and carrots for about 5 minutes. Remove, wait a little poizstinat and Peel. Add garlic and passaged in blender until a puree. In a large skillet put olive oil to heat and add the resulting puree. Add 1/3 cup water. Add salt to taste, sugar and black pepper. Once the boil for 15-20 minutes on low heat and add the can of tuna. Allow to boil for 5 more minutes and finally sprinkle with basil. Are cooked spaghetti or pasta of your choice, to strain the water into a suitable container and stir everything. Optional can sprinkle with Parmesan cheese / cheese and a little olive oil.
3 users
Very tasty it, but I did not make the recipe in this way. Boiled spaghetti and sauce did as follows: zaparzhih a finely chopped onion in a little oil (olive oil can), I added a can of diced tomatoes, added pepper, salt, basil, a chopped carrot. VWP 10 minutes, then added canned tuna. VWP another 10 minutes and just before removing from the heat added a little sugar. I put the sauce on pasta and sprinkled with dried parsley, savory happened!
and parmesan cheese is not compatible with this sauce, many years ago in an Italian restaurant you poyskah Parmesan to sprinkle on the table silence and the waiter asked if kidding rodninkite I told him it is Bulgarian give and parmesan! In spite of all I put 5 tablespoons but then there was a lot of criticism from my husband, now eat it without parmesan! I would put parsley but it all depends on the tastes of the family who wants so how will eat it. The recipe is very nice and if you add the hot pepper became yummy!
Some time ago my husband had tried this recipe. Initially I looked at her in disbelief, but finally turned out really delicious!
Pasta subtracted one minute earlier, mix the sauce and Shake with 1 minute more then become delicious.
I love pasta. Tuna also. Combined get better.