Buttercup in Borovan

Submitted by enr on 22 Sep 2004
1 kg green and red peppers
200 g fleshy tomatoes
5-6 garlic cloves
1/3 bunch parsley
200 g feta cheese
Buttercup in Borovan
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On well heated stove or clean sheet is roasted peppers. Tomatoes also roasted until the juice starts to flow. Peel such as peppers remove the seeds. In a large enameled gavanche or deep dish put a pinch of salt and cloves garlic smash. One by one smash and peppers, as in creasing peppers should be torn into small pieces. Then placed and tomatoes, as they smash. Finally, add the crumbled feta cheese and chopped parsley. Mix well. The buttercup is even more delicious if you add 3-4 hot peppers.
2 users
22 Sep 2004



If you put the cooked beans and becomes scary.

Super, can be added and a little toasted oil.

If you add a boiled chicken and became great.

buttercup is delicious with polenta.

This recipe is very good and can be preserved in jars without cheese, it puts Finally, when you open the jar to eat.

is excellent, I have triedmany times.

It is very cool to fast, but without cheese.

This very very old recipe except toasted oil can be added and some boiled yaitsa. You'll like it.

recipe is outstanding - typical Northern. Galia is right - must be put and cooked beans and chili pepper!

Many thanks for the recipe! I had forgotten the taste of Borovan wonderful dishes!