500 g chestnut
300 g (1 and 1/4 cup) sugar
200 ml (3/4 cup) water
vanilla - pod, 1 vanilla powder, 1 tsp vanilla sugar or vanilla extract

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Chestnuts are soaked for about 15 minutes in lukewarm water, then their incision is made - in the whole country starts from the top of the chestnut to * butt * him, being careful not too deep hurt chestnut, but it is deep enough to cut the sheet. The cut may be X on one side or bottom of the chestnut. Put them in a pot, pour water to cover and cook for 10 minutes. Leave the water and taken out one by one and still warm peel using a knife and a damp cloth - must be removed the outer hard shell and the inside fluffy. Wet towel helps to catch the hot chestnuts, and her skin is rubbed pile of chestnuts. It is best to cook chestnuts small portions of 300-500 g for peel at ease while hot and in larger portion will cool and eventually will be difficult. If there is rotten chestnuts discarded, broken no problem, of course, if you remain intact are more beautiful. Sugar, water and syrup are put to boil, then allow to simmer for another 5 minutes. Put the chestnuts in syrup and boil once again left for 10 minutes on the stove. Then removed from heat and the vanilla pod is removed, if used any, the pot was capped and allowed to stand (at room temperature) for 12-18 hours. After this time put to boil and boil 1 minute and again removed and capped, and then allowed to stand for 24 hours. This is repeated 3-4 times or until syrup is absorbed entirely by chestnuts, as if after 3-4 reps still syrup, chestnuts carefully removed and drained. candied chestnuts are arranged in a row on a tray covered with baking paper and put in an oven set to 50C, as the door is left ajar. Leave to dry for about 1-2 hours to look after - must surface to dry, but remain as a glaze and not to become too dry and hard. Remove from oven and cool after rank in small shapes of candy. Kept in a tightly closed container. If you will keep for more than a week is best to leave in the syrup and put in a sealed clean container. * 1 cup = 250 ml * 500 g raw unpeeled chestnuts give around 300-350 g cleared, it depends on the size and how healthy or damaged are. * For recipe better suited larger chestnuts with soft and crumbly texture - like boil and stingy become crumbs. * Do not throw away the syrup, if you stay out of chestnuts - is delicious, like chestnut honey and goes with pancakes, waffles, pancakes, cakes and all the like. If you crystallize or too thick it can put a little and some water to boil again to liquefy.
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