about 2 kg of carp
5-6 onions
1 stalk leek
2 carrots
1/2 bunch parsley
2-3 pickles
1 cup Rice
2/3 cup tomato juice
sunflower oil
pikantina fish or other seasoning for fish of your choice
vegetable pikantina s other vegetable seasoning of your choice

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Carp is cleared and washed. Spread inside and outside with Pikantina fish (or similar spice) and leave a large enough pan. In an oily deep pan with a lid put chopped large kupcheta onions, leeks, chopped polukragcheta and carrots, cut into small cubes. Stew until soft. After being semi add pickles, cut into small cubes and chopped parsley. Season with Pikantina for vegetables. With the resulting stuffing fill carp and sutured. In an oily pan fry pre-washed rice. When the rice is transparent, add 1 cup water and stir regularly to prevent sticking. After the water is added to tomato juice. Once you take and he pan is removed from the heat. About filled carp distributes the remaining filling over it distributes and rice. In pan pour 1 cup water. Bake until ready in a preheated oven at 200C degrees (about 40 minutes).
2 users
It was a great fish for the holiday, although I do not use Pikantina spice and put salt and pepper on rice.
I made stuffed carp on this recipe! It is very tasty! Do not cook with Pikantini, pepper me enough, I added a handful of crushed nuts charm! Carp will be next photo