6 chicken thighs, upper and lower part
2 large sweet potato, about 1.4 kg
3 onions
3 large carrots
300 g green beans
3 green peppers
2 pm .ch. fresh peas or frozen
100 ml barbecue sauce
salt, pepper, crushed dried chili, oregano, rosemary
garlic olive oil

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Bata Peel and cut into cubes. Chop the onion strips, sliced carrots, peppers into large rings. Mix all vegetables, spice and confused very well with garlic olive oil, the quantity is optional. In pan pour 2 cups water. On vegetables rank legs, also dropped the sauce, which is smeared on the legs with a brush. Everything turns to foil. I use a large tray of oven and turn with two overlapping sheets foil. Bake 2 hours at 190-200C. After this time removing fthe oil and bake some time, nice scale and readiness of meat.
1 user
It was a great meal! The chicken was very tasty and tender, and with a crispy crust. Missed peas and instead put rosemary thyme.
Gerganche, great picture! Priyadat much to me right :) dish undergoes changes both in terms of set products and quantities. The important thing is that you have been delicious! :)