leaves sauerkraut
1 stalk leek
1 carrot
1 cup chickpeas
1/2 cup rice
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 level tsp thyme and oregano (you thyme or oregano can be substituted with savory)
1 tsp paprika, salt

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Soak chickpeas for 12 hours in cold water. Rinse nice bay with cold water and boil (in a pressure cooker going for 30 minutes) until soft. chopped leek and grated carrot sauté in hot sunflower oil. Add rice after 1-2 minutes drained chickpeas, sprinkle with paprika and spices. Mix and pour 1 cup hot water. Add salt to taste. Court cover with a lid and leave to simmer until the rice absorbs the liquid. After the mixture cool down slightly rolled the dolmas. Put the stuffing in the middle of the sheet. When turning from the lower side of the leaf (where Seam), then bend to the left or right side, then on the opposite side and finally bend the tip of the leaf. I have used sterilized sheet of tin. Ready dolmas are arranged in a suitable container - pan, if boiled, but roasted taste better, tray, clay casseroles, glass tray of yen. Pour hot water to half of the dolmas and put in cold oven (if stew in a crock or glass yen). Includes oven strong and after the liquid boil reduce the temperature moderate - 170-180C degrees. Bake until the liquid boil off. * Canned had stalks celery, which I ordered on the dolmas and after firing were very crispy and delicious!
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