ham or sausage of your choice

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Baguette cut into slices, but not to the end. In each section put sausage and cheese. Sprinkle with savory or other seasoning to taste, turning fsunflower with oil and put in preheated oven for a few minutes.
3 users
proposal for Bravo!
I do not like this recipe put between narizite cheese and sausage and do a mixture of 100 grams. oil, chopped parsley, dry garlic, herbs and salt. Everybody razbrkvam well and grease narizite. Try shteti like it.
Here are the options suzi, but the filling of butter, grated cheese, garlic and green.
Very interesting idea! Congratulations, BABY!
neli. mag, it delicious. And it is better if the baguette from the day before, not fresh. Both options are delicious. I've had them, but to picture can not get hee, hee, hee :)
In our so - every delicious thing ends very quickly!
I do not do breakfast, but to shrimp, fish or appetizers, also with oil and spices.
Another delicious idea for breakfast ... bravooo
Mallet, how appetizing look .. :) Very good idea for breakfast. Thanks for shared recipe.
Bravo! Delicious and easy! Will try!
super idea bravo
That's what it says quick easy and delicious. Bravo, great idea! Breakfast on Saturday is settled.
Very good idea swish bagel that had become more rigid and stone were wonderful in this way.
Majestic is. Ham beautiful, yet irresistible. Who does not like warm bread, and here and extras. I added a masaltse.
Mmmm ...
Iiiiii dietki goodbye!