3-4 pears
150 g of flour (1 cup)
100 g sugar (1/2 cup)
2 eggs
100 ml milk ( 1/2 cup)
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
80 butter
1 egg
3 tbsp sugar
# For the caramel sauce:
1/2 cup sugar
lump of butter
1/4 cup Pastry cream

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Submit oven is heated to 180C or 160C in oven fan. Clean the pears, peel them and cut them into slices. With a mixer, beat two eggs with a pinch of salt and adding a bit of sugar. Fight to whiten and tripling the volume of the mixture. Separately, mix the flour with the baking powder and add to the eggs. Finally a little and add the milk mixed with the oil. Prepare form cake pan or a small 18 cm with baking paper and grease the mold with butter. Pour half the batter in the form and spread well. Arrange sliced pears so as to fill the form and pour over the top with the remaining dough. Put in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. At the end of baking to make topping: Allow the butter to melt a very low heat, stir in the sugar and beaten egg and constantly stirring wire let the sugar melt completely (the goal is not caramelization) - It's like a yellow syrup. The mixture should NOT boil, because otherwise you will cross the egg. After 30 minutes has passed from Crisp cake, remove it, pour it with topping and gently pierce with a fork, skewer or knife in several places TOPPING to absorb better. Again return to oven and bake another 20 minutes. Finally, remove and let cool in the form. Prepare caramel sauce: caramelized sugar on the stove over medium heat. Once melted, add the lump butter and stir vigorously. When the butter melts completely, pour the cream. Yeast mixture. This should not bother you. Reduce a little heat and stir constantly until the mixture is homogeneous. Step away from the heat and allow the sauce to completely cool and thicken. Serve pieces of cake with caramel sauce flights. * The original recipe used pan 22 cm, but the mixture seemed a bit and so I used 18 cm - are brought together perfectly. * I had cream sauce and successfully swapped with the same amount of milk. However, if you use cream I personally recommend cooking is to not become too sweet. It may be omitted caramel sauce and served sprinkled with powdered sugar. But I very much like the version with caramel sauce. * The combination butter-pear-caramel is incredible. Thanks to Natalyna this cake becomes available to more people.
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