250 ml water
sunflower oil
2-3 leeks
200 g feta cheese
200 g sour cream

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To 250 ml water are added 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp sunflower oil and flour as necessary to make a soft dough. Allow 20-30 minutes to relax and during that time the leeks stew with a little sunflower oil and water. When tender, allow to cool and to it add the crumbled feta cheese and sour cream. dough knead lightly again and wait 10-15 minutes to rest. Divide into 2 balls. One is dusted with flour and roll it up to a very thin crust. Sheet rolled rolling pin and bottom cover is placed or a small sheet. Then crust smeared with sunflower oil and stretch. It is best to obtain a rectangular shape. The filling is put in length opposite ends. Wind up carefully, first by hand and then using the tablecloth underneath. In the middle two coiled coils are cut with a knife and lining up in the tray. So with second crust. The smooth with melted butter and bake in a moderate oven, first of lower wire.
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