4 eggs
8 tbsp sugar
5-6 tbsp flour
3 vanilla
1 rum essence
4 tbsp sunflower oil
1 pinch salt
150-200 g cherries
1/2/3 pm .ch. flour
2 tbsp caster sugar

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For Sponge base cream egg yolks with sugar. With stirring, add the flour, vanilla essence and rum, stir and pour the oil. Separately, beat the egg whites with the salt of thick snow and carefully add them to the mixture. Stir and pour into a baking dish, covered with a lightly oiled baking sheet. Remove the pits of cherries using straw juices as nastisnete straw at the bottom of the fruit - stone out tiny opening in the handle, as sour cherry preserves its shape. Cherry finished roll in flour, so as not to sink into the dough and put them in it, carefully stirring. Bake cake until a nice golden tan in an oven preheated to 170C degrees. Remove the cake from the oven, leave to cool in the pan and turn it into a tray. Sprinkle evenly through a strainer with powdered sugar. * Optional before sprinkling with powdered sugar may syrup cake with caramel syrup as melted 3 tbsp sugar, pour 1 cup hot water and wait for hard candy to dissolve. Flavored syrup 1 tbsp rum.
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I did not find cherries and did it with raspberries. I put just a vanilla essence without rum, and I used margarine instead of oil. Cooling, it I poured 400 g sour cream, whipped with some powdered sugar and decked with the other berries. Marsh is a little dry, however, and if you do not become the target of a cream, next time will syrup with a little sweetened milk
Doroteya, can you add the recipe changes that you made to get the cake successful because of comments you out, so that no set recipe you liked the many.
Nevi, yet I have not done the cake again :) You may become dry, because the fruit inside was a little, but otherwise was very tasty. When I try to consider improvements will immediately supplement them as a note to the recipe. Pleasant weekend me :)
Wonderful :)