500 g macaroni
3-4 tbsp sunflower oil
4 eggplants
4 zucchini
1 red pepper
5 tomatoes
1 onion
300 g feta cheese
1 and 1/2 hours. h. grated cheese
salt, pepper

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Eggplants cut into cubes and leave to drain, zucchini cut into cubes, pepper and chopped onion, tomatoes grated or ground. Luke fry in the oil, then add tomatoes, allowed to simmer 20 minutes, is added and a little water. Then add the eggplants, courgettes, peppers, parsley, salt, pepper and leave on low heat until tender vegetables. Pulls from heat and set aside to cool. In a large saucepan pour water, and when it starts to boil put the salt, 1 tbsp sunflower oil and pasta. Cooked macaroni to a colander straining. Pasta mixed with a little sunflower oil and half spread in pan on them fasted half of the vegetable mixture and sprinkle with feta cheese, again covered pasta, vegetables, feta cheese on top and sprinkle the grated cheese. Bake at 180 C for 30 minutes.
1 user
& # 927; & # 955; & # 951; & # 951; & # 917; & # 955; & # 955; & # 945; & # 948; & # 945; & # 963; & # 964; & # 959; & # 960; & # 953; & # 945; & # 964; & # 959; & # 963; & # 945; & # 963 ;!
I made the dinner was very tasty!
I'm glad you like it :) I quite often prepare :)