400 g puff pastry
# For the filling:
2 sour apples
4 tbsp breadcrumbs
4 tbsp raisins
4 tbsp sliced almonds
4 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
150- 200 ml apple juice
1/2 vanilla
2 tbsp margarine

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In a pan melt the margarine and fry it for a short breadcrumbs. Put raisins and almonds and fry for about 2 minutes, until the raisins begin to inflate. Put chopped apples into small cubes and quenched with apple juice. Sprinkle with sugar, vanilla, salt and cinnamon, stir and simmer with a lid for about 5 minutes on low fire. If the juice is taken very quickly, make up a little more. Apples should slightly soften. Stuffing to cool completely. Spread sheets of puff pastry and cold stuffing evenly distributed on it, leaving 1-2 inches around the edges. Leaves are rolled loosely and put to edge down on baking paper. Is cut in several places, the two ends are pressed with a fork. Bake in a preheated 180 C oven for 40 minutes. More hot strudel served with vanilla ice cream, but the best harmonizes with ice cream Malaga (with raisins). * Raisins can be replaced with other dried fruit - apricots, figs, dates. Cinnamon may instead be flavored with lemon or orange peel.
1 user
recipe I like, just got canned apples, may become tasty.Thanks
Many professional performance. Bravo! But few will have a problem with ice cream Malaga ... and May it most love :)
I love apple strudel and will try the recipe required.
Thank you girls for the good words and ratings! :-) Nelly, you will struggle to Malaga, as I come visit you serve it - will eat her with the same pleasure as I will not be hard for you, I promise you;-)
Raleigh, quickly find a solution to my problem with Malaga ... :)
Very, very delicious strudel and easy to make. I was cold, so I do not thought of ice cream, but go with mulled wine :).
And I think to try it by shooting the ELTI as always running down my leagues! Now have to sit down at the computer with bib! If I receive will upload photos!
SiMa_, thank you! Try a bold, no way you can not get - made easy. And the taste is worth it.