500 g chicken (fillet or other)
200 g feta cheese
200 g canned corn
15-20 olives (green)
250 g spaghetti or shpetsli
1 and 1/2 onion
1 egg
200-250 g mayonnaise
100 ml red wine
20-25 ml Winiary or Magi Unisos or light soy sauce
about 20-30 ml sunflower oil (to grease the pan)

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Pour about 30 ml sunflower oil in the pan in which you will bake the dish, a little more than enough to be married bottom. Put the bottom cut into small pieces chicken, top put the onion, seasoning with sauce mixture of 100 g of red wine and 20-25 ml Winiary / Magi Unisos or light soy sauce. Then put the corn, cut into quarters lengthwise olives 15-20, then put a pre-cooked spaghetti (or shpetsli with them becomes more delicious). TOPPING mix the grated feta cheese, mayonnaise and 1 egg and watering dish. Put it to bake in the oven at 180C about 45-50 minutes. Serve warm, but not hot.
0 users
spaghetti are 250 g of dried or cooked?
spaghetti are 250 g dry
So I figured, but still ask - serious difference is :)