# For chocolate base:
250 g of dark chocolate
2 tbsp melted butter
# For the filling:
100 g butter
100 g sugar
395 g of sweetened condensed milk (1 box)
100 g almonds

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Prepare forms for 10 cupcakes. Taped tightly with plastic foil so as to retain its shape. Spread with melted butter. Chocolate is broken into pieces and melted over a water bath. With a spoon is dispensed into molds, carefully covered the walls and bottom. Shaped like bowls. Leave in refrigerator to set the chocolate. Meanwhile, prepare the caramel. Sugar is caramelized. Add the butter and stir vigorously. The mixture begins to boil violently, so care must be taken. Pour sweetened milk and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous and is thickened. It takes about 10-15 minutes. After being removed from the heat and add almonds. The filling is ready. It should be left to cool completely. Chocolate molds are removed carefully from cupcakes, fthe oil is removed. Fill with 1-2 tbsp of milk caramel with almonds. Stored in a refrigerator.
1 user
John Petroff
Well, looks very tasty :)
Beautiful and sweet look!
I think that it is sold unsweetened condensed milk. I like it a lot.
very easy to prepare.