500 g yogurt
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
4 tbsp sugar
2-2 and 1/2 cup flour
1 cup sunflower oil

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Yogurt mixed with baking soda and sugar and gradually add the flour until the dough more dense than cakes. Allow to stand for 10-15 minutes. Scoops of dough with oiled tablespoon in a deep pan with heated sunflower oil fried fritters first one, then - on the other side. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar, jam or honey flights. Can hot soak in cold sugar syrup.
4 users
I just made them - were just as my grandmother made them! Awesome! Thanks for the nice (and economical) recipe!
I forgot to comment :)
Katya, I'm glad that you liked! I am a grandmother and grandmother did I have learned. It's nice when a transfer recipes from one generation to another.
are great!
are great! Bravo!
I just made them. Very tasty, especially poured with honey.
Belle Many are, but I cost more than ordinary maznichki fritters. Tell me you are really fat, I want to do, but if you get so .. no one to eat them.
No, do not become greasy other buns or cakes.
On the photos I uploaded buhtichkite are poured with honey and maybe you эatova iэglezhdat in maэnichki. Many are delicious.
I really liked, put Bookmark
Thank you for your answers are wonderful buhtichkite! We'll do them :) I love the recipe.
Thanks for economical tolumbichki! I made them. No difference from those with puff. Will now do more chestichko because you will not be afflicted with stirring of thick dough with eggs. Thank you!
flowers, thank you to you, that you trust the recipe and I am glad that you liked!
oil in the dough you put or frying?
Chrissy, oil for frying :)
Thanks for the quick response. Until now I've never had pasta recipe I was not clear