1 leg of lamb
4-5 cloves garlic
1 bunch thyme - about 30 g
750 ml dry white wine
60 g butter
pepper and salt
3 large cloves garlic

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Heated the oven to 250 C. Mix half the butter with salt, pepper and pressed garlic and stir the mixture. This mixture rubbed leg of lamb and put it in the tray. Around him arrange the sliced two heads of garlic and bake about 20 minutes. Subtract the tray and sprinkle on the leg and around the thyme, pour the wine, pre-heated to boiling. Tightly close the pan with foil and bake for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Subtract leg of lamb and garlic from the pan. Put the pan on the stove, boil the sauce from baking, add the remaining butter and baked and crushed garlic and leave to boil until thickened, about 10 minutes. Forge to taste with salt and pepper and Serve the sauce with the leg.
2 users
added an onion, cut into thin slices. Also increased and spices - mint, samardala, paprika and turmeric. It was very tasty :)
Mmmm, delicious portion seems, Makaweli. You're a master of presentation of the diet! Beauty!
Sneji Thanks, glad you liked it :) well delivered food is a joy for the eyes!
Wonderful recipe! I make it in the second time and became a favorite of the whole family. Thank you!