200 g of homemade noodles
1 liter milk
100 g butter
2 cup sugar
3 eggs
2 vanilla

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650 ml milk, the butter and sugar are heated to boiling. Add noodles and stir. Add the eggs - previously broken with the rest lukewarm milk and vanilla. Pour the mixture into a baking dish and bake in a moderate oven.
2 users
For what noodles question? Home or pasta (pasta)?
This pie I'm doing it often. The noodle is home. Beat 4-5 eggs with sugar, add vanilla and milk. Flood noodles, top range pieces of butter and put to bake.
be performed with a 5 yaitsa and 1 5l milk products but I damp and again it nice
However, how many grams of noodles is? I make homemade noodles / 5-6 kg / and I do not know how much can be one package.
And my mom makes it and is really very very delicious! Bravo! I asked, because at least half of recipes with *noodles* are actually pasta, already I do not know what to imagine under this concept;-))
Since I came across this recipe, another milk pie not do! I cut oil of about 50-60 grams and sugar - a cup and a half / to 350 g /. Incredible yummy! Anyone tried it licks his fingers! Thank sladka 77 surrounding the recipe!
Very sweet pastry! Exactly our taste. I have a home noodles. I will eat your sweet, sweet.