1/2 cup (100 g) flour
egg 1
1 cup (200 ml) milk
1 tsp (5 ml) orange juice
1 tsp (5 ml) sunflower oil
butter for frying
pinch of salt
# For the sauce:
juice of 1/2 orange
1 tbsp (10 g) powdered sugar
3 tbsp (30 ml) liqueur Cointreau
lemon juice

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Flour, egg, 1/2 cup (100 ml) of water, orange juice, the oil and the salt is mixed well and the mixture was allowed to stand for half an hour. Pancakes are made from dough that are fried in butter. The pancakes are folded into quarters, place in a suitable container and cover with a towel. Orange and lemon juice mixed with sugar, pour pancakes, pour the heated liquor and ignited.
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made them a little differently: Because my pancakes were in greater quantity, as did the sauce a little melted margarine / of about 100 g / I put 5 tablespoons sugar. Stir over low heat until caramelized to light brown. I added the remaining oil and after melt, added the juice of 2 oranges, a little lemon juice and 1 tablespoon rum / had no alcohol /. After alcohol is poizpari, each pancake dipped in the juice / from both sides for about ten seconds /. Then I shaped the various portions. We like.