about 1 kg potatoes
250 ml milk
50 g butter
400 g minced meat
1 onion
1 carrot
400 g mushrooms
100 g ham or tenderloin
200 g cheese
150 g canned peas

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Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water. Of cooked potatoes, milk and the butter is cooked puree, stir in the grated cheese. In another court sauté the chopped onion and carrot. Steamed vegetables to add the minced meat, which is mixed with onion and carrot, and asphyxiation continues. Once the mince is pozaparzhi add the chopped ham. Mince and fillet stir well, and after about 2-3 minutes, add chopped mushrooms. Once the mixture is ready to remove from the heat and add the peas. In clay pots or Jena pour from minced meat to about half of casseroles. The other half donapalva nice with puree mixed with cheese. The surface is smoothed and finished pots are baked in the oven until a crust.
1 user
On Saturday night he was thinking of that pie and it goes something else! Tonight, however, offended family and definitely all preyadohme - so tasty we were! Compliments for shared recipe! Addition of Me: rearranged so namaznih pan with oil, put two pieces of fine pastry, mince, mashed potato and grated cheese.