150 g buckwheat (Grechko)
1 carrot
3 peppers
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
1 chicken leg
50 ml milk
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp chili
cumin, black pepper, lovage, turmeric, coriander, salt
1 tsp dry mushroom soup

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Boil buckwheat in some liters of water with a little salt. After being boiled rinse it under cold running water. Cut carrots and peppers into strips, onion crescents and garlic into small cubes. In a frying pan fry * * buckwheat, add mushroom soup and garlic. After choke nice put and other vegetables with chili, mustard, milk and a little water. Cover is to choke everything good, then a pre-cooked chicken, chopped choppy and other spices. Allow to stand for about 5 minutes, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve while hot. * We offer a non-traditional recipe of our cuisine, which is very useful and can be used to your diet. Soon I learned about buckwheat and how useful. This is my first experience of its preparation. I was extremely surprised at how delicious. I hope you you enjoy it!
0 users
I like buckwheat, but find it difficult to find - usually organic and not in our pocket. The recipe is very good, with many complementary products.
Well, the one I use is 150 g to 1 09. Deliberately took a small package, not knowing whether I would love to taste. Large department stores have it, so you can find :)
What in particular makes it Chinese?