1 kg potatoes
2 onions
sunflower oil

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Raw potatoes are peeled and grated. Then grate and onion. Add salt and mint to taste. Stir and leave to stand for 15 minutes. In a wide pan pour sunflower oil and put the mixture to fry under a blanket. When the bottom is golden turns on the cover back in the pan and fry the other side. For it is easier to put in a greased tray with sunflower oil and bake in the oven.
6 users
I added 2 eggs and 150 g of cheese. Was very tasty.
I added some cheese and became a real tasty.
Tonight for the first time I did patatnik, but did not put onions (I forgot it :)) and two eggs. Do not parzhih under a blanket, but again was very tasty. It does not stick to the pan and fry good paying him several times with a lid. Became great, my daughter, who is generally eat anything with a lot of grief, asked her twice to put extra! Often you will do from now on. Certainly tasty and cheese, but the child does not like and I did not put.
Tasty and easy!
It is really incredible that patatnik. I ate once in the Rhodopes and I loved it, I was embarrassed to ask for the recipe. I've eaten then baked and thicker and pastry, but since I did this recipe-else try, is the same as that which was tried in the Rhodopes. I also put eggs and cheese.
Very tasty it! Today we tried it for lunch and very, very like us!
I did it, but with slight changes. My potatoes were cooked, I added cheese and crumbled sausage chopped. Taste wonderful happened ..
baked his favorite patatnik in mono muffins. Convinced that the most loving exactly those ingredients that are listed in the recipe, no longer add eggs or cheese.
I recommend the recipe with two hands! In addition: 2 eggs and crumbled cheese! Do not stay ... I would say: tasty food!
Hello, now grating potatoes and onions and let them stand for 15 minutes (as it says) released quite water, which I guess is normal, but I wonder now it drained you or to put her in the pan?
My modest experience shows that it is better to drain.
Yes, in the end, so I did otsedih water. Was very tasty. I followed the recipe 1: 1!