25 g fresh yeast
2 tsp sugar
250 ml lukewarm milk
500 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
150 g yogurt
egg 1
2 tbsp melted butter + boiled Indian 2-3 tbsp spreads
2 tbsp onion seeds

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In the first three ingredients and a little flour prepare yeast. Pour into a large bowl the flour, baking powder and salt. Make a well in the middle and top up the dissolved yeast, yogurt, egg and melted butter. Stir until a smooth mixture. Kneads the dough and leave to rise for about an hour and a half. Transfer the dough on the counter, lightly dusted with flour and knead for 2-3 minutes. Roll out the dough into oval buns with a diameter of about 25 cm, thickness of the buns is approximately 0.5 cm - are thin. Sprinkle with onion seeds and arrange them in greased pans. Preheat the oven to 200C (traditionally this bread is baked in a tandoor - a clay oven). Bake them for 10-12 minutes (until puffed and golden brown become). More hot is smeared with melted butter.
1 user
little big culinary book
Tuber seeds you? Do not mind sprouts? In addition to all this liquid is not sure that will get flour ...?
And how thick tortillas are rolled?
No, not sprouts and seeds. Flour, if they consider it a little - add more, but the dough should be soft. The thickness of the cakes is approximately 1/2 cm - are thin (flat).
is interesting to me, Vanya, whether you ate at Indian Naan? Typical for this bread that is baked over an open fire, a very short time. This anointing with Gee and give it a specific taste. What you describe are quite normal bread. Nothing in the way of preparation is not appropriate to the original technology. At the risk of again saying that offend you, they will advise when copy recipes to inform at least whether the recipes have in common with the original.
Rally, hardly anyone has a home oven :) Among the many recipes for Naan I've seen the oven is one of the popular ways to prepare Naan at home. In addition, if you are not in India finding Gee shop will not be easy (BG sure that it is impossible), but to do it is too much effort, given that oil is completely decent substitute.
Vanya, Navy, neither one nor the other, I mean. Quote is: *nothing in the way of preparing it is not appropriate to the original technology.* Baking in the oven for a short time can be imitated only in two ways (at least to me, I know of only two, can now with one oven Gagenau there are others, such as a hot plate, for example, I do not know, but I'm talking about normal ovens ): one way is to grill, close to the grill for a short time from roasting in the middle of the oven and the other way is to nagreesh and ceilings that will bake and then put the roast in it. Pan then sprinkle mostly with flour, not namaznyava. That's what I mean. And I have no oven at home. As for oil - anointing of Naan it after baking, Naan are always slightly greasy to the touch.
I did not have in mind that it should be just them and the time of staining. I hope now I clarified. I treat with great respect for the culture, lifestyle and cuisine of different nations. I think there is no point recipes change beyond recognition. Naan Naan is not because their constituents, but because of the method of baking. As deprive him of this, it may be and Nessebar bread.
Yes, I agree that covered after baking, this is a key moment in the making of these rolls (this does not preclude there is fat in the dough). I regularly do Roti, Naan me too caloric, but from what I've read often used oven for baking at home.
Add'm anointing with oil.
dough is very nice and tasty, just put yeast, did not see the sense of baking powder. For baking - try the pan in very hot oven and under the grill and my personal opinion that these pan are closest to the tandoor baked, but in the oven become better, more crisp.
Xevi, I'm glad you're pleased with the outcome. If you still doing them, try to sprinkle them with BULB seed (black cumin). Gives very specific smell.
vanja, if you see it on sale will necessarily try :)