600 g cucumbers
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
50 ml vinegar
5-6 peppercorns
1/4 onion

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Spices and onions, sliced, are placed on the bottom of the jar. Cucumbers rank, put vinegar and make up with water to the ledge of the jar. Sterilized for 5 minutes, then immediately cooled. The products are for a jar type of Omnia 800
2 users
and I put 2-3 cloves garlic, sliced carrot koleltsar bay leaf 1 Allspice
Yesterday I made them exactly sashtatata recipe ...Greetings from Argentina ...!
I do not have the traditional jars and I find it very difficult to stated above doses of salt sugar and so on. ..Last year became very sweet. Ask me what to natravya.
Antonia, fills one of your jars with water and overflow into the measuring jug to determine how it is volume. Can pozakraglish up or down, to feel more comfortable. If you have a jar for example 375 ml, 400 ml of rounding. Thereafter the products distributed - divide everything 2. Depending on the size of the jar to calculate everything else.
Thank Aliana will try. I hope you get!
And every year so I prepare them, but they just fly off the handle. Immediately after boiling water knock them off.