3-4 fish (sea bass, sea bream, trout, mackerel)
1.5 kg sea salt
50 ml olive oil
2 tsp pepper
1/2 lemon
1 egg

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The fish cleaned from inside and dry. Olive oil mixed with black pepper and fish smeared thoroughly inside and out. Lemons cut into wafers, which are placed in the belly of each fish. Half of sea salt is placed on the bottom of the baking pan by forming a thick layer of about 1 cm. Place the fish on the salt and covered tightly with the rest of the salt. Heads can be left out in order to monitor the process of baking or be covered with salt. The egg was stirred with 50 ml water and the salt is coated on top to allow the fish to a good seal. Bake at 220 C for about 30 minutes, while sea salt on top is browned. If the heads of the fish are out of salt, her eyes must turns white and the head and darken and dry. After removing, by means of a hammer or the handle of the knife is broken salt crust and carefully remove the fish.
5 users
However, I fear for similar recipes that I would be very salty ... Otherwise, sounds interesting!
Do not become salty but this method seeks large fish lavrakito for grill and a glass of white wine.
interesting recipe. I try it with mackerel.
I've never had fish in a similar way. Someday I'll try.
To not become salt is very important to be oiled outside (as I indicated in the recipe) and then is baked immediately be removed from the salt.
bass became superb! Do not put egg, salt only. Most koftito is removing the fish from the salt, which has become a thick crust. But fish is so delicious, not salty, you eat your fingers.
I tried with mackerel and was surprised by the result. Mmm, delicious! Today I will try to bream.
became very successful, but I think that if you replace citric Reza with tomato, we will have some very rich taste.
I made salmon trout in this way and the result was excellent.
I did bream thus very tasty and juicy happened. Nice recipe - five from me.
Hello, Delicious and simple recipe made two bass is really important to be removed forthwith from the salt can with a spoon, carefully remove salt crystals. My advice is not to impact on the sheet of salt, but hit very lightly pan in the kitchen floor (or on the terrace) thus paid very well salt and then gently spoon remove crystals. I personally while performing the procedure, stuck in the still warm oven two plates which would serve to be heated and served with hot potato salad. Delicious recipe!
threw pastarvichkite, but was not enough salt and Paiute them so. Salt just underneath. Still get a very tasty!