500 g minced meat
salt, cumin, black pepper, nutmeg
1 kg boiled potatoes
1 egg
frying fat
# breading:
100 g flour
100 g breadcrumbs
1 egg

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Minced meat is kneaded with spices and make small balls that are fried. Boiled potatoes Strain and mixed with egg and spices. Take a small ball and potatoes in it hides fried meatball. Oval consecutively in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Fry.
1 user
taste becomes. I personally made this dish, but with sausage inside and splashed with podluchen milk sauce.
Again good proposal. Very very liked. Put it into favorites. As soon as possible will try.
And if you put in the minced raw potato patty will you become? This saves one frying, otherwise I like because it is something different.
I've never tried raw mince. Since fry 1 minute on each side, I guess that will remain raw minced meat.
just ate them these meatballs - were very nice! I also serving them with yogurt sauce and garlic!