1.2 kg flour
1 tsp salt
40 g fresh yeast
# For the filling:
500 g feta cheese (savory cottage cheese)
100 g fat +200 g of melted lard spreads firing

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Yeast dissolved in 400 ml lukewarm water, add salt and flour and kneaded soft dough. Leave to rise. After doubling its volume is knead lightly again and divided into 4-5 balls. Is rolled into thin sheets. Each skin is smeared with oil and sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese. Wound on a roll. Finished roll is cut to 2 in the middle and the two pieces are screwed snail. Roll out again every snail sheet 1 cm. Put it on a hot and an oily sach. Browns to red on one side. Spread plenty of fat and turns to roast the other side.
8 users
with. Kolarovo, Harmanliysko
Nelly, great look! Bravo! Recipe May incomplete? You are rolled before being put on saci?
After also prepare the crust is baked on hot plate, bake the shape of the cake you?
Thank Rally! I fixed everything. It is typical for this type of patties that dough sharpening 2 times - once a large thin crust, then - on roll with cheese. Resemble puff pastry. Please excuse me for the pictures taken are of a village near the stove.
steffanell, not as it is boring, like bread, but with 1 cm above below. / 2 photo /
Very interesting recipe! The first time I read it, something became clear to me. I'm sorry that I sach. Nelly, a Teflon pan that will happen? I'd like to do.
I have not done the pan, InaV I'll have to try it sometime.
Thanks Nelly, the pictures are wonderful! I'll try the pan.
are great :) Nelly, and I do them the same way. Sometimes even fry them and instead roast them :). And another way of screwing-crust sprinkled with cheese screwed from both ends towards the middle. Then, both ends are screwed one to the left, the other to the right, so as to be eight. Cover with the lid on top of each other and rolled again. Next time I make them and will upload photos. You will not regret, do them :)
I read the recipe and I loved it, but this sach me refused. Now comment BABY, that may be fried, stored in Favorites.
Elti, if you fry them then you will not peel greased with oil or other fat advance :) And are warm, maliiiiiii ... :)
Thanks for the advice, BABY. To admit that he would not comply. Ah, how I only Kindle :)
Yes, Vesi really become very good coiled loops and rolls on each other .. I remember that my grandmother made them so. May only sheet must be boring in a smaller diameter that our pans are smaller. Gas stove will surely get.
This is Nelly mentioned below according to the pan should do if you fry. And instead of lard and margarine if you can bake or masaltseee ohaaa ... :) And a cold compote or tarator may kefir ... choked momichetaaa .. hahahaha
Great recipe and very tasty.Too bad that no one prepared them to us now as a time.And as already rely on yourself, little will improve them.Definitely would result in a Teflon pan, this difference is that after frying is not necessary thoroughly spreads.True taste of hot plate and spread with lard.With margarine and butter were prepared again, but not the same.Shedding is :)))
The day before yesterday I made them. To me went much less flour - 800 Of this amount went 10 patties, became very delicious! I turned them by the method of Vessi - as 8, then imposed on each other. Rose to 1,000 sheets amazing. Will be repeated, certainly. And I made them in a Teflon pan, no problem!
Rally, I'm glad you liked kartalachkite! Last week I made them in a pan - photo №1. Next time, if left to us show them.
And I tried them on the grill pan and became :)
Yesterday I made them. Is hot with tarator are simply no words ... (leads to overeating). Zaparzhih and leek. I did them in a Teflon pan with very little fat. There are pictures.
Kartalachkite unique. I have no words:-) They are so delicious that I could not photograph them:-) Now start doing them again and photograph them (if I December:-)
these patties-kartalachki really patties-kartachki, after so many comments read them turned round and I very early on teflon pan and the result is amazing :)
ah it was written kArtalachki, I apologize, I call them patties-kartachki so confused letter :)
40 g. Fresh yeast of how the town. Equals dry and gets you going with it?
These patties grandmother made them and called them kolacheta. Unfortunately never learned to do them, and she died for this very glad the recipe. Just wait for me to answer for yeast and begin :) 2 years ago summer rose in 2:00 at night to go to eat kolacheta market in Dimitrovgrad, but not as a grandmother ...
Hey, Sissy, watch my bags, but not writes cups and wrote about 500 g of flour. 40 grams of fresh yeast is a whole cube (42 d), and it is for 1 kg of flour. For this recipe you need then 2 packets of dry yeast (a total of 1 kg of flour). Hopefully understand my explanations:-))))))))))))) Good luck;-) banichka are very tasty samples!
Today I made them again, but now in sach. Raztochih them on a thin crust. They are great. Again there are pictures.
Today I made them again, but 2/3 of the flour with whole wheat swapped. Become much more delicious than just white. By filling experimented at the request of my son. Summary: cheese is average job with nutella never liked me, the more that is torn and during frying Nutella burned. Most have good with cheese as a recipe;-)
Aliana, and stuffed with potato did not try it? I and patties and dumplings, and all that is filled with minced meat generally replay with potatoes mixed with spices, onions eventually, and it always super. Liquid chocolate always flows from patties should be stirred with the bread crumbs to absorb the liquid.
Thank you for the idea with the potatoes, which for Nutella is very useful, you need only to mix without my son to see that there will be incredulous:-)
best potato is cooked in advance for these patties, do not think that if you planing will be able to bake for the time for which baked pastry outside. For the same reason, and the molten chocolate is blended with the crumbs, instead of a meal (for example) may not remain undercooked inside.
For quite some time contemplating the pictures and I think it's time to try them. Stops me that I sach. Can you prepare them in AMT pan?
Anego, are in the pan. I have experience and a pan with hot plate. I do not know where it comes from difference, but sach I like a lot more.
Come and I can subscribe here. Were superb. Made with different filling: cheese, salami, pikantina, garlic flour.
They look very delicious
Topolovgrad is 50km. of Harmanli, but we call them *double buckle* -An vivid memory of my childhood, old Thracian recipe.
In Nova them prepare kartalatsite! Very very delicious!