3 prepared the base for cake
500 g of sweet cream
500 g yogurt
1 cup Water
20 g gelatin
fruit of your choice

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In the form of a cake with removable bottom (26 cm diameter) is placed one base. To be put on one half of the cream prepared as follows: the cream is stirred in the powdery snow, thereto was added yoghurt and dissolved gelatin in a water bath and stirred until a uniform mixture. Insert the second base and cream again. Third base is covered with beautifully cut fruit. If the cream is not enough sweet, you can add 1 cup sugar to cream.
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And how great shape?
Well I I worked on it in this baking pan size 30/25. Only that the bottom cover them with wrap, so I can take it out then. Otherwise, I'm doing it in a circular shape with a diameter of 26 cm.
forget to write that changed only the cream 1 liter of baking pan size 30/25 cm.