3 eggs
5 tbsp sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
5-6 tbsp hot water
100 g flour
50 g natural starch
10 g baking powder
jam spreads
powdered sugar for sprinkling

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Yolks of eggs broken with sugar and vanilla. Add water carefully. Flour mixed with starch and baking powder. The two mixtures were combined and mixed well. Egg whites are broken down into the snow. Cautiously add to the dough, stirring several times with a spatula, pulling the mixture up to not fall. Oven preheated to 180C degrees. Tray size 35h35 cm covered with baking paper. It was poured onto the dough. Spread an even layer carefully. Bake for about 20 minutes. The finished circuit board is wound, while hot, with paper and allowed to cool. Then roll develop, get out the paper and smeared with jam. Rolled back. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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