2 bananas
1 apple
1 cup walnuts
10 dates
lemon peel
1/2 cup cashew
30 g dried cherries
coconut and goji berries to decorate (optional)

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The base is prepared by grinding in a robot with S-shaped knife - 1/2 apple, 1 cup walnuts, dates, lemon peel. Grind to obtain a smooth homogenous mixture. It becomes the base with arms. top ranks one line pre-soaked and squeezed gently dried cherries and sliced banana. Cream is prepared by bold: cashew - about 1/2 cup, 1/2 apple, 1 banana, vanilla (liquid is better). Grind to a smooth mixture. Smeared on banana pieces. At the top is decorated with coconut and goji-berry. * The cake is suitable for vegans.
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This cake as you receive or cream? Ranks in shape / platter or bowl / cup? How big is obtained - ao is like a cake, what is the diameter if it is in cup - how many cups and how much?
Prepared small cakes will need form. I put it on a plate, maybe in a baking pan. Will upload my picture when I do it again.
diameter of the cake depends on how thick will be formed swamps, I do it about 1 cm and less and gets a diameter of about 10 cm. More can be done if a proportionate increase in the products. Shaping the marshes became hands, first make the dough into a ball and then flatten it until crust.