10 eggs
1 red and yellow pepper
ham or sausage of your choice
6-7 olives
peas or pickles
2 tbsp gelatin
400 ml clear chicken broth or another flavor

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Gelatin pour 100 ml lukewarm water. Eggs are drilled from the larger end and leave a little inside the egg expires, then gently rinse the shells with water. Peppers cut into very small pieces, olives, ham and pickles too. Chopped parsley leaves and in each egg is placed in one or two leaves and other products less. In hot stock was added soaked gelatine and each egg is being fitted on the broth until filled. Leave in the refrigerator or in the cold for 1 day, and then removing the shell.
4 users
Wow-is-is-is, what beauty! Jump speechless ...
Very original! They are great-BRAVO!
are really interesting and original. And is not that hard to do :)
I wonder what is the way for the drilling of eggs without splitting the entire shell? And the idea is simply amazing!
once I'm making its egg / as small / needle. Taking care, I think that will happen.
Awesome! Bravooo! Very original!
Also, instead of an egg, starter may be made in those forms that are as Kazanlak donuts.
are Super, many are colorful bravo ...
Vesi, are incredibly beautiful! Bravo! Bookmark
true, such a thing until now I had not seen :) bravo
A gelatin broth is poured hot, I understand, will not you crush the shell of the heat?
Tonight will experiment, and keep your fingers crossed!
When added to the broth, leave it for 2-3 minutes and then pour. But do not think that if hot shell will break. You like boiled eggs boil water and do not break :). Clench your fingers.
Thank you - already relayed them to colleagues and all were delighted by your recipe. @ -} -
Oh, lindzi, not my recipe. I've only dropped it here, because it really is very original. :)
Thanks for Rose lindzi {}
I really like the idea and think to realize it! A taste so you are delicious as they look? :)
this is just great, thumbs up for the one who invented it is cruel! BABY, but they do recognize you as the greatest hunter of great photos! .
cruel to Favorites.
bravo thumbs-you fired me for such an original thing I have not thought
Eggs are added to other products. Use of only the shell. A sweet option -I think can be done, but with a clear syrup, to see the fruits.
are great! It remains only to think kakvoda do with eggs: D
If a person has nothing to do with the eggs can make the same recipe with silicone molds for cakes, some blue if you think of - sell them in stores for 1 lev - 6 shapes are on board. I do these cakes, biscuits *Breakfast* crushed, mixed with sweet, nuts, fruit, and you name it, add the dissolved gelatin in a little water, stir, put it in the form and in the refrigerator to set. Becomes very beautiful.
With yolks can make homemade cream cake.
I have collected the shells of the eggs from cooking all week ... just when I had egg breaking it in the normal way ... and not my problem what to do then with the eggs :)
Good idea Eli :)
And I do not necessarily have to be 10 pcs. Maybe a little, as much as he wants you to do :)
You look great and I immediately decided to do them.But alas my eggs nestanaha.They were like *Sapo* excuse and with a nasty taste.I would love to write those who made them.To hear their opinion.Vazmovno is I put a little gelatin, but the taste how to fix it ... ????
Since the last photo is mine, and I have done before week to share opinion!Are very impressive, but not eatable!Blya!Please feel free to offer guests who do not want to meet any more!This is my opinion and another 4 people who tried them!
I also made them, but my guests were fascinated. One of each guest and their children licking fingers. Matter of taste whether like gelatin. But you can put the gelatin egg decorating to salad or other dish - just an idea. Guests will be delighted, and if you eat it is another matter, you may mention that the decoration is not at risk if you do not like gelatin.
idea is great! This idea can be used in another version: finely chopped fruit (best quinces or pineapple) of compote and gelling juice. Be served on three balls of vanilla ice cream.
Didi33, Somebody was doing them sweet. But it is better still to have some red fruit for contrast, or green. And another thing, by putting little of the fruit, pour the juice with gelatin, slagamev camera to gel. Then put again and again, fruit juice and so ... :) something like Floor
Oleee very beautiful
very good idea
I found it difficult to peeling and it shows up on the eggs themselves. Leaving that aside, to me and like to taste than a vision.
Why not get to eat? I put smoked chicken, sausage, olives, corn. Falsified chicken broth with lemon and Maggie were perfect! Bravo for the recipe!