1 kg potatoes
1 kg eggplants
500 g minced meat
64 g * * Little Secrets for baked potatoes peasant (2 packets)
200 g cheese

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Minced meat fry, add is sliced eggplants and fry for another 2-3 minutes. Potatoes are cut into thin slices. In alternate tray of potatoes and minced meat with eggplants. Pour the dissolved with small sachets * secret * in 600 ml water. Bake in a preheated 200C degrees oven about 40 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and dopicha another 10 minutes.
1 user
Oh, Nellie, what is this yummy! :) Looks great!
Reni, is really something delicious meals !! :)
Put in your favorites, Nelly! Great suggestion! :)
Pepi, I'm glad that you liked the recipe! :)
Nelly, I knew that would happen very tasty! :) Top ordered and sliced tomatoes. Great suggestion!
Reni, only makes us licking! :)
Pepi, everyone wanted extra :)
Rennie, great picture! :) I'm glad that you were delicious! :)
little secrets ... that and a bowl of bran put it, there will be a tasty.
I can not find anywhere this fix, you can experiment with other zalivka- have all other products. Please Help :)