1 kg potatoes
5 eggs
3 onions
1 stalk green garlic
salt, pepper
sunflower oil, butter for frying

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Peel the potatoes and cut wheels with a thickness of 5 mm, salted and put to fry in sunflower oil and butter, while putting care circles are not glued. Fry until soft and remove. Chop into crescents and fry it with the garlic. In a bowl, whisk the eggs and add to the potatoes, onion with garlic and parsley, sprinkle to taste with salt and pepper and mix well. Few of the remaining oil was heated to a high temperature in a Teflon pan. Pour the mixture into the pan and spread evenly. Fry a few minutes until golden, as the pan is shaken periodically, then using a flat plate or lid turns, put back in the pan and fry the other side. Serve hot with milk sauce, but after cool down is also very tasty. * It can be made with sunflower oil potatoes, onions and eggs. * You can add any vegetables like onions and garlic, okra, artichokes, peppers, parsley and shrimp.
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