2-3 cups chopped vegetables
(carrots, peppers, cabbage, peas, corn, etc.)
or mix frozen vegetables of your choice
1 cup Rice
400-600 g smoked chicken (smoked legs 2)
1 and 1/2 cup hot water (2 cups for MultiKukara)
2-3 tbsp sunflower oil

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In a saucepan with a thick bottom put all the vegetables. Top pour well-washed rice. Pour in the oil. Cut into cubes or lightly grind in a food processor meat and cover it with rice. Sprinkle with pepper. Pour water, cover and place over high heat to a boil. Once the dish boil turn off the heat, but do not open the lid. Let the meat on the stove for 30 minutes - so the rice is dozadushava. The dish is not because smoked salts are quite savory. Instead chicken dish can be prepared with other smoked meat or fish. Option MultiKukar: Put the oil to heat in a pan, add the rice and pozaparzhete 4-5 moments, add the vegetables and sauté another 2-3 minutes. Season with pepper. Pour the rice into the pan of kukara. Top arrange smoked meat chopped or minced meat in the robot. Pour 2 cups hot water. Close kukara and turn the program on rice-F1-10 minutes. Once finished off kukara program, but do not rush to open it - leave it another 20 minutes to stay closed. Then open and serve the dish. * The products are for 4 servings.
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Newspaper * Yellow Trud * -http: // Images / 621 / 7560621a.jpg
One clarification for those who will cook it in MultiKukar-recently discovered function for frying, and the new models now also be fried, so if you kukara Split-old model-can fry rice directly in its or how it works, put the pan in kukara, but do not close the lid and turn the program F5-put your fat and warm their products as fry recipe. Then turn off the program finish your recipe close the lid and drop the program F1 -ORIZ and proceed as described in the recipe.