10 kg tomatoes
500 g sugar
7 tbsp salt
1 cup vinegar
1 cup aromatic red wine
5 onions
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp paprika
2 tbsp grated horseradish

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Tomatoes and onions are grated and boiled in enameled pot without water about 20 minutes on low heat. Rub through a sieve. Add the remaining spices without sugar and boil two and half hours on low heat, constantly stirring to not burn. Add sugar and boil until melted. The cooked ketchup closes in bottles that are pasteurized in a water bath for 20 minutes.
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Smolnitska, S.Domashno prepared spices and canned foods
I make this recipe every year for at least 10 years and the last years 4-5 doses. Try it, I hope you like it.
Great recipe. Already in my favorite, can I just ask what can I replace the wine? Can I put cayenne pepper instead of horseradish? Thanks in advance.
Anyone can change the recipe to your liking, but it will not be the same.
Wine can not simply put or not exactly red maybe. Instead horseradish is no problem to put cayenne pepper, maybe both. I first time I made it just in the book and really taste is super. My friends have changed some ingredients and I've tried is good - it's all a matter of taste preferences.
Many thanks. You can skip the wine, because I do not like. Thanks for the quick response.
Girls tell you is very spicy with 2 tablespoons horseradish. As should be done for small children halved horseradish or not to put?
setting that amount horseradish does not assign any hotness of ketchup, but pleasant taste together with other spices. Can sample to make a half dose of the recipe and judge. My children love ketchup Preparation of this recipe and I've never changed. It is exactly the book Sofia Smolnitska.
woods, it is best for the children not to put horseradish. It really is preservative but also irritate the stomach. With this opinion does not deny the recipe. It is very successful and says Bonka - may change the ingredients matter of taste preferences.