2 eggs
1-2 tbsp sugar
2 cup flour
1 cup yogurt
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
4-5 tbsp honey
1 vanilla
1 orange
a few drops of cognac (ROMs) extract

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Eggs beat with a mixer, add alternately with stirring sugar, the oil, yogurt and soda , honey, vanilla and essence. Then add the flour and stir with a spoon. Grate the orange peel finely grater, and the fruit is divided into pieces, peel off his skin and put together with zest into the mix. Stir, pour into greased cake form and bake in preheated oven at 170-180 ° C
0 users
interesting recipe, and with quite exotic taste I think. Bravo! Will try as soon as possible, and why not today.
Super is very tasty, well done Maggie!
Thank you, good tastes! But I decided to pour the chocolate that does not thicken, and instead it glaziram became moist. Yet it will be safe. :( :( :(
goodies! :) Thanks for the great recipe!