# For the base:
200 g butter cookies
raspberry or strawberry jam for merging two biscuits
# For the vanilla cream:
250 ml milk
1 vanilla pod
3 yolks
60 g sugar
20 g corn starch
25 g cold butter
# For toffee:
50 g sugar
100 ml cream - animal, 35% fat
100 g white chocolate
25 g butter at room temperature
# For assembly:
300 g strawberries
20 ml Madeira wine or other sweet wine
200 ml well chilled animal cream 35%
whole strawberries for decoration optional

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Cookies are sticking together two by two with sweet strawberries or raspberries and are arranged side by side at the bottom of Cup, which will be served trifala. For the vanilla cream milk is poured into a bowl. Vanilla pod is divided by the length with a sharp knife and seeds scraped. Add to milk along with the pod. Milk with vanilla put on medium heat and allow to boil. Meanwhile, the egg yolks and sugar beat with a mixer at high speed until thickened and mixture lightens. They add corn starch and stir nice. steamed milk is filtered and added to trickle into the yolk mixture, stirring constantly. mixture back into the pan and leave on medium to low heat. Stir constantly until thickened. Maha from heat and add the butter. Stir until dissolved. The finished cream is left to room temperature and stirred occasionally until cool. For toffee sugar melts to a light caramel. Boil the cream and add to the caramel. Stir vigorously. Prevent much as the mixture begins to boil violently. For certain, on the hand that mix can put kitchen gloves (handle) or wrap a towel. The mixture is removed from heat and stir until it subsides. Leave at room temperature to cool slightly. Then add the chopped white chocolate and the butter. Stir until melted by residual temperature and the mixture is homogeneous. For assembly strawberries are washed and cleaned from the stalk. Some of them are cut in two, and the rest are cut more finely. If the decoration will be with strawberries provide are a few that will remain intact with handles. cream mix of fluffy cream. The assembly is the creative part. Trifalat can be assembled in a large glass bowl with a capacity of 1 liter or 6 individual cups. The arrangement is very optional, but here's what I did. Moist thoroughly bonded biscuits with wine. Top set vanilla cream. On the periphery of the bowl arranged the cut of two strawberries in the middle put a small cut. On them spilled toffee, and the top put the shattered cream. It is good trifalat to sit for a few hours before serving. Store in refrigerator. Serve with a spoon if it is prepared in a large bowl, with scoops of all layers. * For me, this dessert has two advantages. First, each guest can serve alone as requested. And second - this is a great alternative to cake, which would take longer lead time.
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