6 large potatoes
1 onion
1 skinless sausage or bacon 100 g
200 g mushrooms
100 g cheese
savory, salt, pepper, paprika
30 g butter

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Boil potatoes until almost, cut the top of a little cap and cut out with a spoon inside them. Prepare stuffing as fry onion, then chopped mushrooms, skinless sausage, spices and finally add the part of the interior of the potatoes. At the bottom of each potato put a little butter, add salt and filled with stuffing, put a little more butter, closed with lid, wrapped in aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven, dissolve fthe oil, is removed covers, is Grate cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.
1 user
good deal.
The same recipe I tried, but the ingredients had more cream and melted cheese. Obtained divine potatoes.
peel potatoes you, or with the shell bake?
Potatoes do not peel after cooking is released very easily
The potatoes were delicious and liked the whole family :)